Soon after touring my first film, Black Forest, around Northern Ontario (essentially most stops along that great two lane section of the trans-Canada highway known as 17), I decided it was time to create something a little more permanent for Northern horror fans.
After all, why should northern horror fans always have to make the drive south to get their cutting edge horror fix? That wasn't cutting it with me, so I founded the Northern Frights Festival, which I'm proud to say is entering its seventh year of fear. Once the festival's second year wrapped up, I founded the Deep Cut Film Festival. This one was in Kitchener, where I used to hang my hat, and where I still have enough friends and family in the area to make such a long distance venture worth while. Kitchener was (and is) great, but it was time to move the fest closer to home. So that's what I did. And now the Deep Cut Film Festival is thrilled to call North Bay home. We'll see you all next winter, 2022! |